Science's Cards

Flash cards for science

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Waves can be either transverse or compressional tell which kind of these is sound light radio ocean(suface) mircowave ocean(deeper)
Sound-compressional Light-transverse Radio-Transverse Ocean(surface)-Transverse Microwave-Transverse Ocean(deeper)-Compressional
Label the parts of the transverse wave trough, crest, resting position, amplitude, wavelenght
Top is crest bottom is trough from one wave to another is wavelength going up and down is amplitude the line in the middle is resting position
Label the parts of a compressional wave
The part that is packed together is compression the part that is spread out is rarefraction
Waves can also be classified as Mechanical or Electromagnetic tell which kind is which sound light radio ocean microwave ultraviolt
Sound-mechanical light-electromagnitic radio-mecanical ocean-mechanical microwave-electromagnetic ultraviolet-electromagnitic
Electromagnitic waves can only be________, whereas mechanical waves may be transverse or compressional
Electromagnitic waves do not require a _______ to travel through, whreas mechinical waves do
Why do we have daylight and darkness on earth
Because th eearth is spinning on it's axis
What causes the seasons
The tilt of earths axis
The earth _______ once on it's axis every _____
Rotates, day
The moon _______ once on it's axis evey ____
Rotates, month
The earth ____ once around the sun every
Revolve, yeaar
The moon_____ once around the earth every ____
How often does a full moon occur? what occurs about two weeks later?
Once a month new moon
The earth and th emoon each rotate and revolve in a ____ direction
Counter clockwise
What does it mean for the moon to be waxing? what does it mean for the moon to be waning?
You see more of the moon each night.(lighter) you see less of the moon each night.(darker)