Seven Chakra\'s

The seven Chakra flashcards to assist with learning and healing through meditation and health lifestyle choices.

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Question 1
Bloodstone. Smokey Quartz.
As the name suggests, bloodstone is a powerful cleanser and healer. It helps enhance intuition and increases creativity. It has excellent grounding and protecting stone, keeping out undesirable influences. Bloodstone also stimulates dreaming and acts as a powerful revitaliser. Bloodstone

Psychologically bloodstone gives courage and teaches how to avoid dangerous situations by strategic withdrawal, it encourages selflessness and idealism complimenting the recognition that chaos precedes transformation. Bloodstone assist you in acting in the present moment. The now.
Mentally bloodstone calms the mind, dispels confusion, enhancing decision making. The stone assists in adjusting the unaccustomed circumstances.
Emotionally it helps in grounding the heart energy, reduces irritability aggressiveness and impatience.

Healing. It acts as a cleanser and immune stimulator for acute infections. It stimulates the lymph and metabolism processes, revitalises and dense fishes when the body and mind are exhausted. Purifies blood, detoxify liver, intestines, kidney, spleen and bladder.
Answer 1
Herbs with an earthy taste or grounding quality - Burdock, Cloves/Clover. Dandelion. Rosemary. Horse radish. Hot Paprika. Chives. Cayenne. Red or Dark Brown Herb, spice or food.
Question 2
Red jasper
Jasper is known as the supreme nurturer. It sustains and supports during times of stress and brings tranquility and wholeness.
Red jasper is gently stimulating. It grounds energy and rectified unjust situations. It helps bring problems to light before they become too big, providing insight into difficult situations. It is extremely effective as a calming stone for emotional upheaval.

Red jasper stimulates the base chakras and assists rebirth. It cleans the aura and strengthens your boundaries.
Jasper balances the yin and yang and aligns the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm. It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution.
Psychologically red jasper imparts determination to all pursuits. It brings courage to aid grasping problems with assertiveness and encourages honesty with self.
Mentally, jasper aids quick thinking and stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action.
Physically, jasper prolongs sexual pleasure. It supports the body during prolonged illness or hospitalisation and re energised the body.
Answer 2
Herbs - any herb spice or orange food.Coriander. Calendula. Fennel. Gardenia. Liquorice. Cinnamon. Vanilla. Carob. Sweet Paprika. Sesame seeds. Any food related to water, with high water content and those that benefit the reproductive system or nourish sexual creative energy.
Question 3
Solar plexus
Healing and compassion. For feeling unloved, the stone has healing qualities for sexual abuse and helps to assimilate painful feelings without shutting down removed denial. The stone helps clear the base chakras, allowing them to be acknowledged and dissipated through emotional release.

If you have an aversion to the stone it indicates a repression they hold within themselves, something the person does not want to look at. Psychologically this stone urges the person to confront irrational fears and paranoia, it reveals the lessons behind the emotions that they have been taught to believe are unacceptable, this helps them to see things less negatively and improves self worth and soothes emotional distress.
It is enlivening, encouraging a positive attitude and enhances dream states and creativity.
This stone links into your higher mind and helps you integrate new information.
Emotionally it encourages spontaneous expression of feelings including passionate and erotic urges.
Answer 3
Herbs - Yellow or Gold Anise. Celery. Cinnamon. Lily of the Valley. Marshmallow. Mints. Ginger. Turmeric. Fennel. Cumin.Any herb that benefits the liver and aids digestion. Boosts energy or self esteem.
Question 4
Rose Quartz green Quartz
The stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. The most important Crystal for the heart chakra - teaching the true essence of love. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels bringing deep inner healing and self love.
Rose Quartz gently wards off negative energy, replacing it with loving vibes. It strengthens empathy and sensitivity and assists in accepting change. An excellent stone for mid-life crisis
Emotionally rose quartz is the finest healer, helping to release run expressed emotions and heartache. It soothes internalised pain and heals deprivation. It comforts grief and teaches you how to accept and love yourself.
The stone encourages self forgiveness and acceptance and involves self trust and self worth.

Healing. Rose quarts strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system and release impurities from body fluids. When placed in the thymus gland, it aids chest and lung problems. It heals kidney and adrenals and alleviates vertigo.
Answer 4
Herbs - cayenne. Hawthorn berries. Jasmine. Sage. Marjoram. Rose. basil. thyme. Cilantro. Parsley.Any green herb or vegetable that benefits the heart, blood or warming/comforting foods.
Question 5
Blue green obsidian
Obsidian urges is to grow and gives solid support as we grow. It can bring negative emotions and unpleasant truths to the surface. Obsidian assists in returning back to trauma experiences and healing them. It provides a grounding cord, from the base chakra to the earth absorbing negative energy.
It is really helpful for highly sensitive people, it helps block psychic attack
This stone facilitates getting to the core of the problem and also absorbs the energies that are released.
Spiritually obsidian vitalises soul purpose and eliminates energy blockages, relieve tension integrating the shadow into the whole to bring forth spiritual integrity. It urge exploration of the unknown, opening new horizons.
Mentally obsidian brings clarity to mind and clears confusion and constricting beliefs. However, it may do this by making it absolutely clear what lies behind the disease or distress, once this has occurred, obsidian expands consciousness.
Psychologically obsidian helps you to understand who you are. It brings you face to face with your shadow and teaches you how to integrate the shadow into your personality. This stone also helps you identify behavioural patterning that is outdated.
Healing. It aids digestion of anything that is hard to accept and promote physical digestion. It reduces the pain of arthritis, joint problems, cramps and injuries. It detoxifies, dissolving blockages and tension in the physical and subtle bodies.

Blue green obsidian opens the throat and heart chakra, facilitating on speaking ones truth and understanding from the heart.

Answer 5
Herbs - coltsfoot. Peppermint. Red Clover. Blossoms. Sage. Salt. Lemon grass.Any blue food, herb or spice benefits the lungs or soothes the throat or voice.
Question 6
Third eye
Lapis lazuli
This stone opens the third eye and balances throat chakra. It stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities. It possess enormous serenity and is the key to spiritual attainment.

This protective stone helps to protect the person from psychic attack. The stone harmonize's the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, bringing harmony and deep inner knowledge.
Imbalance in these areas can cause depression or disease.
It encourages taking charge of life. It reveals inner truth encourages self awareness and allows self expression without holding back or compromise.
The stone bonds relationships in love and friendship and supports expression of feelings. It dissolves martyrdom, cruelty and suffering.
It is a powerful thought amplifier, stimulating the higher faculties of the mind, bringing objectivity and clarity, encouraging creativity through attainment to source.
It helps with expressing own opinion, harmonizes conflict and teaches the value of active listening.

Answer 6
Herbs - eyebright. Juniper. Mugwort. Poppy. Rosemary. Lavender. Poppy seed.Any indigo, dark blue spice or food that benefits the mind, nervous system, eyes, vision and those that enhance awakening the senses.
Question 7
Moldavite. A rare stone that may become extinct. It formed when a giant meteorite struck the earth. It is said to have extra terrestrial energies with Mother Earth.
Moldavia brings you in communication with your higher self and other extra terrestrials. Mdovite has its own cosmic over soul which can put you in touch with ancient masters and messengers.
This stone takes you into higher spiritual dimensions and facilitates the ascension process. It needs to be grounded or else it can leave you spaced out and rootless.
Mol divide has an extremely high vibration which opens and clears blockages and aligns the chakras.
This stone transcends time, allowing you to go back to the past or look to the future, it facilitates join rent to other lives.
Moldavite is useful for sensitive people who cannot adjust to suffering and deep emotions.
Mentally - Moldavian is inspiring and unconventional. Bringing unexpected solutions and awaken latent memories, accessing spiritual information and assimilating it through the intellect. It releases fixed ideas and can neutralise hypnotic commands.

Healing - Moldavite enables the individual to become aware of any cause and source of disease or distress. Releasing energies it also brings the gift contained within the distress to your attention.
People who dislike the colour have an aversion to emotion and need to experience unconditional love and wholeness. The person may have deep hidden emotional traumas that need to surface to heal, which other crystals are effective for.

Moldavian is the chrystal that bridges the gap between linear physicality with non linear, energetic imprint.
Answer 7
Herbs - Gotu. kola. Lavender. Lotus.Any herb or food violet or purple considered holistically cleansing and healing.