SFL 224 Midterm

BYU Independent Study

52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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According to Larson, vulnerability to stress is a personality trait some people are born with. There is nothing you can do about it in marriage except stay away from stress as best as possible. (T/F)
False Humans are adaptive and can learn stress-management skills.
Larson describes what to do if your friends or parents do not approve of your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse. The key solution is...
Balance. Balance your parents' feelings and opinion with your own. Count yourself and count your parents' opinions.
In Larson's book, when describing the marriage triangle, he emphasizes that "family of origin" factors affect your marital satisfaction ________
Indirectly The affect is indirect though personality.
According to Larson's book, when solving a relationship conflict, if I suggest a compromise I am using the _______ response.
Voice A voice response is when you speak up and resolve the issue.
According to Dr. Larson, money management problems and power struggles in marriage usually end up...
"in bed." Or in this case, out of bed. If I resent you due to unresolved power struggles with me, I won't feel like having sex with you!
The relationship between depression and anxiety and marriage is...
ReciprocalThey affect each other
The best first thing to do if you suspect you or your partner has depression or anxiety is ....
Talk to your family doctor.Seeing a medical doctor first is always best. He/she has been trained to diagnose these disorders. And, doctors understand medications and underlying physical and hormonal causes of depression and anxiety. The physical causes should be diagnosed first, before going to counseling.
"Keeping quiet" and "going it alone" are...
Bad ways to approach marriage problems or depression. Not facing an issue like marriage problems or depression and trying to fix them by yourselves usually leads to faulty solutions, more problems, and no permanent solutions.
Unrealistic beliefs or myths about marriage are problematic because they are...
Constraining. They constrain you from understanding and solving marital issues.
Two marriage myths that encourage selfishness and not doing all you can to give to your marriage are...
The rigid sex role myth and 50-50 deal myth.
Unrighteous dominion may include working too many hours to the point you are neglecting your partner because you are seldom at home. (T/F)
True The spouses of workaholics feel hurt, lonely, neglected, and unimportant. This is especially true if the decision to over-work was made by the workaholic alone!
Most wives married in the 21st century prefer traditional roles in marriage, or the LDS marriage ideal, especially when it comes to decision making. (T/F)
False Women's attitudes about sex roles in marriage have changed dramatically in the last 30 years- they want to be treated more as equals by their husbands.
Unrighteous dominion is most probable when a couple is working through adjustments in _________________.
Roles When deciding on our roles, we are most susceptible to abusing power or influence unrighteously with our partner. If we get into the tradition trap, this is especially likely to happen.
Closeness/distance in marriage refers to:
Emotional intimacy and time spent together This is a major important decision in all relationships and must be successfully navigated by all couples.
A benefit of knowing the predictable stages of marriage is:
We will be better prepared to deal with the stage and get through it successfully. Knowledge is power! We will be less likely to over-react to a stage or despair if we know they are normal experiences.