Shakespeare Test

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are other names for Puck?
Hobgoblin, Robin, and Robin Goodfellow
What does Oberon make the potion out of?
Purple pansy and love and idleness
What does Helena say?
"beat me; im your spaniel
Helena has 3 choices (name 2)
Give into father's will and marry demetrius
go to a nunnery and live a dull life
be executed
At the end of the play what does Theseus value more-- the will or the spirit of the law?
The spirit of the law
Why does the young couple--Hermia and Lysander-- go into the woods?
To go to Lysanders aunts house
Does Puck put the potion on the wrong eyes on purpose or by accident?
By accident
Why is the changeling child special?
The child is the son of the priestess who died during childbirth
What is the cause of Oberons anger?
Titania won't surrender to him the changeling child
What is a soliloquy
A speech spoken by one cahracter, alone on stage
How is bottom transformed?
By being given as ass's head
Why does oberon free titania from the potion?
He pities her
she gave him the changeling child
Why did the mechanicals fear the lions roar?
They are afraid that if the lion's roar is too loud then it will frighten the women and they will be hanged
Who has the last word in the play?
Why is Theseus impatient at the beginning of the play?
He wants to have sex