Signs and Symptoms

Paramedic Sig ns and S

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Parkinson's disease
unilateral tumors postwar instability rigidity bradykinesia Depression difficulty swallowing speech impairment fatigue
Addison’s disease
weakness lethargy confusion altered LO C hypotension elevated temperature severe pain and lower back legs and abdomen severe vomiting and diarrhea dehydration
abdominal pain sepsis
Upper G. I bleed
hypotension cancer vasodialation esophageal varicie ulter IBS
kidney stones
flank pain groin pain restlessness agitation guarding of abdomen hypertension tachycardia painful urination frequent urination
hemorrhoids IBS diverticulitis infection
Bowel Obstruction
severe abdominal pain fullness diarrhea constipation decreased bowel sounds nausea and vomiting emesis dehydration
aortic aneurysm
abdominal pain chest pain, shoulder pain, back pain nausea indigestion weakness sweating different blood pressures on each arm one femoral or carotid pulse missing
facial droop arm drift slurred speech altered LOC hypertension
cushings syndrome
depression mood swings frequent thirst and urination hypoglycemia weight gain thinning of skin acne darkening of skin (acanthosis ) obesity
Crohn's disease
severe abdominal pain weight loss
cardiogenic shock
alter LOC restlessness anxious pale cool skin tachypnea tachycardia / thready hypotension (90 MMHG systolic)
upper airway obstruction
stridor hoarseness hypoxia altered LOC cyanosis
left side restlessness agitation altered LOC dyspnea tachypnea tachycardia hypertension crackles wheezes frothy pink sputum edema right side JVD edema
pulmonary edema
dyspnea crackles frothy sputumwater buildup in limbs and back