Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex Sentences

This helps to match up simple sentences, compound, complex and compound-complex sentences with their category.

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

Cards In This Set

Front Back
The cat sat.
Simple sentence
The wire was bent.
Simple sentence
The dog ran away.
Simple sentence
The balloon floated.
Simple sentence
He ran.
Simple sentence
She baked the cake and he ate the whole thing.
Compound sentence
The fish swam in the ocean, but they didn't eat.
Compound sentence
She likes sweets, yet she seldom eats them.
Compound sentence
Carol forgot her lunch, so Gary brought it to work.
Compound sentence
My dog is only five years old, and he is fascinated by steak bones.
Compound sentence
Before Carl ate his dinner, he went to the store.
Complex sentence
While she was sleeping, the cat went downstairs.
Complex sentence
When bees collect pollen, they pollinate the plants.
Complex sentence
Because opinions are still divided, further discussions will be necessary.
Complex sentence
Sandy intended to cross America, which no one else had ever done before.
Complex sentence