Skeleton Flash Cards

This set includes the types of vertebrae, the arm, the leg, the sternum, the pelvis, and the hand and feet.  I'm using these flash cards for a test and I made them a specific way, so these flash cards may not fit the way you study.

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Question 1
What kind of vertebra?
1. Transverse Process
2. Vertebral Canal
Question 2
What kind of vertebra?
1. Body
2. Vertebral Foramen
3. Transverse Process
4. Spinous Process
5. Facet
Question 3
What kind of vertebra?
1. Body
2. Vertebral Foramen
3. Transverse Process
4. Spinous Process
5. Facet
Question 4
What kind of vertebra?
1. Body
2. Vertebral Foramen
3. Transverse Process
4. Spinous Process
5. Superior Articular Process
Question 5
What is this?
1. Manubrium
2. Body
3. Xiphoid Process
Question 6
What is this?
1. Scapula
2. Spine
3. Coracoid Process
4. Acromion
5. Coracoid Process
6. Glenoid Fossa
7. Acromion
Question 7
What is this?
1. Head of femur
2. Greater trochanter
3. Lesser trochanter
4. Neck
5. Lateral Condyle
Question 8
What is this?
1. Medial Malleolus
2. Tibia
3. Tibial Tuberosity
Question 9
What is this?
4. Lateral Malleolus
5. Fibula
6. Head of Fibula
Question 10
What is this?
1. Greater Tubercle
2. Lesser Tubercle
3. Capitulum
4. Trochlea
5. Medial Epicondyle
Question 11
What is this?
1. Head of Radius
2. Styloid Process of Radius
3. Radial notch
Question 12
What is this?
1. Olecranon Process
2. Styloid Process of Ulna
3. Trochlear Notch
Question 13
What is this?
1. Ilium
2. Ischium
3. Pubis
4. Iliac crest
5. Sacroiliac joint
6. Acetabulum
Question 14
What is this?
1. Sacrum
2. Coccyx
Question 15
1. Carpals
2. Metacarpals
3. Phalanges