SNS, ANS, Sleep, Smell, Taste, Eyes, and Ears.

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Contain corticospinal, medial, and lateral pathways, conscious control, does not affects long term survival, control of skeletal muscles
Subconscious instruction, controls visceral receptors, coordinates cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems
Part of the corticospinal pathway that provides conscious control over jaw, head, neck, facial, medial and lateral pathways divert, from the cortex to the brain stem, synapses on the motor nuclei of cranial nerves
Corticobulbar tract
Part of the corticospinal pathway that synapses on LMNs of anterior gray horns of the spinal cord, decussate on the lateral corticospinal tract, conscious control over skeletal muscles that move eye/face
Lateral corticospinal tract
Part of the corticospinal pathway that synapses on LMNs of a gray horns of spinal cord, does NOT decussate, conscious control over skeletal muscles that move eye/face/etc
Anterior corticospinal tract
Maps out how primary motor cortex responds point by point, cerebrospinal pathway
Motor homoniculus
Pathway of the SNS made up of the vestibular nuclei, superior and inferior colliculi, and reticular foramen, controls muscle tone and gross movements of neck, trunk, and upper limbs
Medial pathway
Recieve information from vestibulocochlear nerve, maintains posture and balance, uncrossed, descends through vestibulospinal tracts
Vestibular nuclei
Part of the medial pathways of SNS, located in tectum, revieve visual (s) and auditory (i) stimulations, cross then descend in tectospinal tracts, reflexive changes caused by light, movement, loud noise
Superior and inferior colliculi
Medial pathway in SNS, loose network of neurons throughout brain stem, no decussation, reticulospinal tracts, effects determined by region stimulated
Reticular formation
Pathway of SNS concerned with subconscious movement and control of distal limbs, axons of red nuclei cross and descenfd in rubrospinal tracts of spinal cord
Rubrospinal tracts
Adjust activities of upper motor neurons in cerebellum, stimulates ACh release, inhibits GABA release, excitatory nerons kept inactive normally. synapse on thalamic nerons -->primary motor cortex
Basal nuclei
Monitors position, balance, and visual information, muscle memory, least amount of motor commands, established rhythm and pattern of movement
Integrative centers for autonomic activities are located where?
In the hypothalamus
Division of the ANS, fight or flight, preganglionic from thoracic and superior lumbar, synapse in ganglia near spinal cord, SHORT. metabolizes glycogen reserves for ATP.
Sympathetic nervous system