Soc 105 Exam 3

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Gender stratification
Males and females unequal access to property, power and prestige
A Hindu widow who so immolates herself (burns herself)
The philosophy that men and women should be politically, economically and socially equal; organized activities on behalf of this pricinple
Gender tracking
Gender is an underlying cause of why some things are male dominated and others female (ex: college degrees)
Child penalty
Women with children tend to earn lower hourly wages than women without children
Glass ceiling
The mostly invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels at work (- women are less capable of leadership)
Glass escalator
The mostly invisible accelerators that push men into higher-level positions, more desirable work assignments, and higher salaries (occurs in traditionally female jobs- nurses, elementary teachers, librarians)
Why gender in sociology is significant
- nuture is dominant in sociology - social factors primary, not biological- if only nature influences us, there should be less variation
Sex vs gender
Sex: biological characteristics- male, female- primary sexual characteristics (penis, vagina)- secondary sexual characteristics (lower voices for guys, women have broad hips)
gender: social characteristics- masculinity and femininity - appropriate behavior learned through behavior and varies from culture to culture
Women as a minority group
- dont have human power- began as consequences of human biology (women were used for reproductive roles - 9 months of the year gone for them = less productive)- patriarchy developed (authority is given to males)- sex typing at work- gender and prestige at work (woman's activities are given lower prestige)
Murdocks study of sex typing and work
- surveyed info on tribal societies and found that all of them have sex-linked activities and give greater prestige to male activities - didnt find a universal activity for male or female
Different goals of each wave of feminism
1st: right to vote2nd: gender equality- raising womens pay, changing policies on violence against women 3rd: greater focus on the problems of women in in the least industrialized nations, a criticism of the values that dominate work and society, removal of impediments to womens love and sexual pleasure
Ratio of women in the workforce from 1890 to now
Then 1:5 and now 45%
Sexual harassment and its recognition as a social problem
The abuse of ones position of authority to force unwanted sexual demands on someone- not recognized as a problem until 1970s - meaning is vague causing difficulties
Age range of women most likely to be victims of rape