SOC101 - LEC02 Notes - Classical Sociological Theories

SOC101 Fall 2011
Lecture 02 Material
Topic: Classical Sociological Theory

61 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the three core classical sociological theories?
1) Functionalism2) Conflict Theory3) Symbolic Interactionism
Who are four major Functionalists?
1) Herbert Spencer2) Emile Durkheim3) Talcott Parsons4) Robert K. Merton
What did Herbert Spencer believe?
-Survival of the fittest-Social Darwinism-Laissex-fair approach: Opposes regulation of interference with natural processes
Who was the founder of functionalist sociology?
Emile Durkheim
Which theorist was one of the first to have a positivist (quantitative) approach?
Emile Durkheim
Define: Social Facts
Social Facts : Durkheim's term for general social features that exist on their own and are independent of the individual manifestations.
(you can uncover them if you can find out how to do so)
Definition: a state of normlessness that results from the lack of clear goals and creates feelings of confusion that may ultimately result in higher suicide rates
Who believes human action originates in the collective?
Emile Durkheim
According to Emile Durkheim, what is behaviour driven by?
The Collective Conscious
Define: Mechanic Solidarity
Mechanic Solidarity:Describes early societies based on similarities and interdependence

Define: Organic Solidarity
organic Solidarity: Describes later societies organized around interdependence and the increasing division of labour
Who was the major theorist that defined Social Action Theory?
Talcott Parsons
Define: Social Action Theory
Social Action Theory: A framework which attempts to separate behaviours from actions to explain why people do what they do
What are the four functional imperative? (AGIL)
1) Adaptation - The system must be able to adapt to changes in the environment, or manipulate the environment to be able to achieve system needs2) Goal Attainment - The system needs to establish clear goals and priorities. How do you use legitimate power to implement social decisions.3) Integration - The system must coordinate and adapt to the needs and aspirations of the various subgroups in society4) Latency - The system needs to motivate individuals to release their frustrations in socially appropriate ways
Who defined Manifest and Latent functions
Robert K. Merton