Soccer Test: PE II

Review for th e soccer

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Front Back
How many players are allowed on the field at one time per team?
Positions include...?
Forwards, halfbacks, fullbacks, goalie.
What sets the goalie apart from the other players?
The goalie wears a different colored jersey.
What are different titles some other positions are given?
Sweeper, stopper, striker, midfielders, attackers, and defenders
Basic skills are:
Kicking, trapping, dribbling, heading, tackling and throwing.
What is the rule concerning the sideline?
The ball is not considered out until it passes fully across the line.
What is the proper way to perform a sideline throw-in?
Must throw the ball overhead with both hands and no spin on the ball. Both feet must be on the ground when the ball is thrown in.
When the ball has gone out of bounds over the endline by by the offensive team, it is put into play by...
The goalie or the fullback at the corner of the goalie box.
When the ball has gone out of bounds over the endline by the defensive team, it is put into play by...
A corner kick.
The goalie is allowed to kick, throw, or roll the ball back into play once he/she has...
Captured the loose ball.
The goalie is the only player allowed to...
Use his/her hands, but only when the ball is inside the goalie box.
The ball must be fully across the goal line to be...
Considered a score.
Taking the ball away from the opponent is called a...
Touching the ball with the hands during play on the field is called...
A handball
A handball is called if the ball touches from the...
Shoulder to the tips of the fingers