Social - Chapters 7 & 8

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Define consumerism.
A belief that an increase in the consumption of goods is economically beneficial.
Define boycott.
To refuse to buy or deal with a product or company as a protest.
What are six different advertising techniques?
- bandwagon
- emotional appeal
- glittering generalities
- plain folks appeal
- testimonials
- scientific appeal
What is the bandwagon effect.
Encourages you to buy a product or service because everyone else is.
What is the emotional appeal technique in advertising?
Uses strong emotional language that connects with your fears and desires.
What is glittering generalities?
Relates the product or service to words or images that promise everything, but deliver little or nothing.
What is the plain folks appeal?
Relates a product or service to the experience or ordinary folks.
How are testimonials used in advertising?
Uses celebrities or experts to speak for a product.
What is the scientific appeal?
Uses statistics or scientific data to persuade consumers to buy a product or service.
What is quality of life?
A term used to measure well-being. For example, how people feel about their environment collectively.
How is quality of life determined?
A number of factors are used including education, health, housing, employment, and household finances. Invidual factors can be categorized into economic environment, social environment and physical environment.
What does the economic environment measure?
The material well-being of individuals. Factors included are GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and employment rate.
What is the GDP?
A measurement of the amount of wealth a country's economy generates.
What does the social environment measure?
The emotional and spiritual well-being of people. These factors may include health, political freedom and education levels.
What does the physical environment measure?
The comfort level individuals have with the geography of the place where they live. These factors may include average rainfall, average temperature, and topography.