Social Psychology Final

UCSB Social P sych Fin

114 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Correlation studies
Whether two or more factors are naturally associated. Correlation research allows us to predict, it tells us there is a relationship but not necessarily a cause and effect relationship.
Experimental studies
Manipulate some factor to see its effect on another
Mundane Realism
To which an experiment is superficially similar to everyday situations.
Experimental realism
degree to which an experiment absorbs and involves its participants.
Hindsight bias
The I knew it all along phenomenon
Are mental templates in which we organize our worlds. Self schemasThe specific believes in which we define ourselves. Perceiving ourselves as athletic, fat, smart
Self reference effect
Info that is relevent to the self is processed quicker and remembered better.
Affective Forecasting
People have difficult preicting the duration and intensity of their future emotions.
Hedonic Treadmill
We become accustomed to good events in our lives (getting a new car or a raise). the novelty wears off and then we want more and better.
Self-perception Theory
When a feeling or thought is ambiguous, we infer it by observing our behavior in the situation in which it occurs.
Intrinsic Motivation
Desire to engage in activity because it is enjoyed.
Extrnsic Motivation
Desire to engage in activity for rewards or pressures
Overjustification Effect
When there are compelling extrinsic reasons for a behavior, people underestimate intrinsic reasons.
Planning Fallacy
The tendency to understimate how long it will take to complete a task.
Dual Attitudes
Differing implicit (auotomatic) and explicit( conciously controlled) attitudes toward the same object. Verbalized explicit attitueds may change with education and persuasion; implicit attitudes change slowly with practice that forms new habits.