Social Psychology


87 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Conformation Bias
Temptation to verify our own views. We tend to notice and remember mainly info that supports our views
Availability Heuristic
Mental shortcuts that the easier it is to bring something to mind, the more frequent or important it is. Events or objects that are more common are usually easier to think of than ones that occur less often
Moon Effects
How we feel often influence the way we thing. Your mood plays a role when making decisions and when forming an opinion about someone while in a certain mood. If you are happy- you think happy positive thoughts.
Five categories of conditions that shape the social behavior and thought of individuals:
1) the action and characteristics of the other person2) cognitive process: your reaction to a person's behavior depends strongly upon your memories with that person's past behavior3)Environmental variables: impact of physical world4) cultural context: social behavior is often strongly effected by cultural norms.5) biological factors: emotional reactions are affected to some extent by our biological inheritance
Systematic observation
A method of research in which behavior is systematically observed and recorded.
Experimentation involves
Systematically altering one or more variables (independent) in order to determine whether these alterations affect some aspect of behavior (dependent)
Successful experimental method requires
1) random assignment os participants to experimental conditions2) the experimenter holds constants all other factors that might also influence behavior
Double blind procedure
Research assistant who have contact with the participants do not know the hypothesis under investigation so that they cannot influence them
External validity
The extent to which a finding of an experiment can be generalized to real-life situations
Inferential statistics
Helps us evaluate the likelihood that a given patter of research results occurred by chance alone
Meta Analysis
Allows us to combine the results of many different studies in order to estimate both the direction and the magnitude of the effects of independent variables
Frameworks contracted by scientists in any field in an effort to explain why certain events or process occur as they do- research is performed to gather evidence relevant to the theory
Technique used by researchers to withhold information about the purpose or procedure of the study from persons participating in it
Informed consent
A procedure in which researcher participants are provided with as much info as possible before deciding whether to participate in it
Debriefing procedure
At the conclusion of a research session in which participants are given full info about the nature of the research and the hypothesis or hypothese under investigation