Social Studies Unit 1

Pearson Scott Foresman History Social Science Our California Unit 1 The Land of California

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the cardinal directions?
North, East, South, West
What are lines of latitude and longitude? How do they help us?
Lines on latitude are imaginary lines that run east-west around the earth. Lines of longitude are imaginary lines that run from the North to the South Pole. They help us locate the absolute location of a place.
What is the Equator and Prime Meridian?
The Equator is the central line of latitude (0 degrees N or S). The Prime Meridian is the central line of longitude(0 degrees W or E).
Name the four hemispheres.
North Western, North Eastern, South Western, South Eastern
Is the Tropic of Capricorn the northernmost or southernmost point on earth where the sun shines directly overhead?
Southernmost point
Give three facts comparing and contrasting the North and South Poles.
Answer may vary. Possible facts: The Southe Pole is surrounded by land while the North Pole is surrounded by water. Whales live at both poles. etc.
What region do you live in?
List the four regions.
Mountain, desert, valley, coast
Where is California's capital located?
True or False: The ocean is a landform.
False. The ocean is not land. However, the beach is.
Which is the definition of landform? A. a feature on Earth B. a natural feature of the Earth's surface C. anything natural
B.a natural feature of the Earth's surface
How is the northern coast different than the southern coast?
The northern coast has many mountains and forests along the coast while the southern has wide sandy beaches.
How much rain a year must an area receive to be considered a desert? A. less than 10 in. B. 10 in. C. more than 10 in. D. None of the above
A.less than 10 in.
Fill in the blank. Many_______are in the valley region.