Intro Sociology Final Exam


250 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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Social institution where society provides its members with knowledge
Being physically committed to learning
Hidden Curriculum
Subtle presentations of political/cultural ideas in class
4 functions of schooling
Common education
Promotion of Social solidarity
Social Control
What cultural groups had the least motivation to study for school?
Latinos and Blacks
Why are some students skeptical about school?
Skeptical of benefits associated with learning/ doing well in class
-Think success depends on the number of school years
-Won’t attend if school is unpleasant for them
Name the typical ethnic differences in school?
-Asian Americans do better than Whites BUT
-Whites do better than blacks and Latinos
Why do some drop out?
-Don’t think about the consequences
-Think doing poorly won’t hurt them
Who influences one’s career choice?
-Role Models
-Teachers, Coaches, Councilors
Why is the voice of Peer Pressure bad?
-Causes people not to succeed academically
-Most friends don’t talk about school
-Black and Latinos are never encouraged academics
How do parents ‘check out’ when it comes to their child’s education?
-Don’t attend trips, fundraisers, meetings, sports ect.
-More attendance means better student
Why are parents uninvolved in kid’s education?
Adolescents want to be independent (WORST TIME!)
What are different determinants of Career Choices?
1. Intelligence
2. Interests
3.Salary Needs
4.Special Abilities
5. Job Opportunities
6. Prestige needs
What is the most optimal situation for a student?
-Positive work environment
-Parents high expectations
-Parents high involvement
-Parental style (high demand/high respect)
What are the best kind of peers to have while in school?
-Good class attendance
-Spend more time on homework
-Better grades
-Positive influence