Sociology 201 Test 2

Sociology 201 test 2

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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2 Components of Social Groups:
1. sense of belonging2. regular interaction
Aggregate (define)
People who temporarily share same place - but do not have a sense of belongingExp: people riding same bus, back and forth
Category (define)
People who have similar characteristics
Primary Social Group: (define)
People with who you have close, intimate relationships with, face to face.
Secondary Social Group: (define)
Focused more on activity & interests (clubs, sports, groups).
Reference groups:
Groups we use as a standard to judge ourselves
2 Primary Work Organizations: List & Define
1. Bureaucracy- very formal, impersonal (military, universities, gov. institutions)2. Corporation - more leadership, voice, choice, team (apple, IBM)
(group sizes)1. Dyad2. Triad
1. group of 2 (most intimate)2. group of 3 (bigger the group less intimate, and they break up into smaller groups)
2 Types of Leadership--- influence, more about empowering (Define & exp)
1. Instrumental- task oriented, exp: teachers2. Expressive- more interested in creating harmony & minimizing conflict. exp: therapist/counselor
3 Leadership Styles in Terms of Personality:
1. Authoritarian- order giving, demand for productivity-control2. Democratic- consensus among group3. Laissez-Faire- more passive/permissive
Group Think: define
Process by which entire group of people think the same way & anyone who thinks different is showing signs of disloyalty exp: cults, gangs
Refers to any violation of norms
The violation of rules that have been written into law
Refer to characteristics that discredit people, such as violations of norms of ability
Social Order:
A groups customary social arrangements.