The Introduction to Sociology Flashcards

These are for OCC SOC2510

85 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Sociological perspective
Stresses the social contexts in which people live. How these contextes influence people's lives. How people are influenced by their society
Social location
Sociologists look at this to find out why people do what they do because of where they are located in society.
Social groups shape
Your ideas and desires
Requires theories that can be tested by research.
Sociology emerged as a recognized science because
In the 1800s social observes began to use scientific methods to test their ideas.
Examples of Social location
How jobs, income, education, gender, age and race-ethnicity effect people's ideas and behavior.
The Scientific Method
Using objective, systematic observations to test theories
The idea of applying the scientific method to the social world was first proposed by Auguste Comte
Who was Auguste Comte
He proposed the idea of applying the scientific method to the social world, known as positivism. He is considered the founder of sociology.
The study of sociology
Herbert Spencer
Sometimes called the 2nd founder of sociology coined the term "survival of the fittest."
How did Herbert Spencer feel about helping the poor?
He thought that it was wrong, that this merely helped the "less fit" survive.
Spencer thought that society evolved from
Lower (barbarian) to higher (civilized) forms.
Did Spencer conduct scientific studies?
No he simply developed ideas about society.
Karl Marx believed that the engine of human history is
Class conflict