Sociology Exam 2

Sociology stu dy cards

52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is social stratification?
When individuals or groups occupy unequal positiong based on socioeconomic factors, based on ranking
What are the 3 key factors of social stratification?
Class, status, and power
What are the types of social stratification?
Slavery, caste, and class.....slavery & caste systems depend on legal or religiously sanctioned inequalities---class is not "officially" recognized and stems from economic factors
What four ways does class systems differ from slavery and caste systems?
Boundaries between classes are not clear cut, class positions are achieved (social mobility), class is economically-based, & class systems are large scale and impersonal
Name the class systems...
Upper class, middle class, lower class, working class, and underclass
How does conformity relate to social groups?
Research shows people are highly susceptible to group pressure
What research shows evidence of conformity?
Solomon asch's experiment-showed people will choose group consenus over their own perceptions (lines) & Stanley Milgrams research---subject did what they were told, despite perceived injury to others
What factors play a role in group dynamics?
Group size (larger groups more stable) & leadership---influence behavior of other members
Define Transactional leaders
Rountine leadership concerned with getting the job done
Define transformational leaders
Concerned with changing nature of group, by instilling member with a sense of mission or higher purpose
What are social networks?
Networks constitute broad sources of relationships, direct and indirect network analysis
What are the properties of social networks?
Although we shape our network, a network has a life of its own, six degrees of seperation & 3 degrees of influence
What is the sociological significance of networks for groups?
Networks are a source of---economic advantage, access to politicians & others with authority, social interaction, social support, & inequality
What are the attributes of the internet as a social network?
Extend personal networks, enables contacts without face to face interaction, easier for negative groups as well as positive groups to get together, enables people to join groups that they normally wouldnt have access to
What Is Social Mobility?
The movement of individuals between different class positions as a result of changes in occupation, wealth, or income