Sociology Exam 2


23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Define culture
The language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects that are important enough to pass on to future generations
What is a nonmaterial culture?
The intangible world of ideas created by members of a society- non physical products of society
What is a material culture?
The tangible things created by members of societyexample: the cars we drive
What is culture shock?
It occurs when a person encounters a foreign culture and has an emotional response to the differences
IMPORTANT what are the 6 components of culture?
Symbols, language, gestures, values and beliefs, norms, material culture
What is a symbol?
Anything that has a particular meaning and is recognized by people who share a culture
What is language?
A sytem of symbols that allows people to communicate with each other?
What is culutral transmission?
How culture passes from one generation to another through language
What are gestures?
Symbols we make using our bodies
What are values?
Culturally defined standards of desirability, goodness, and beauty which are guidlines for social living
What is a value pair? value cluster? value conflict?
Helps define values in terms of opposites; 2 or more values that support each other; 2 or more values that are at odds
What are beliefs?
Specific statements people hold to be true
What are norms?
Rules and expectations that guide behavior of a society
What are proscriptive norms? prescriptive?
Should nots, prohibited; shoulds, prescribed
What are folleways? mores?
What's considered rude, what is against law