Sociology Exam Chapter 9


8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Race and Ethnicity
Race: refers to distinguishing and perceived physical characteristicsEthnicity: refers to distinctive cultural characteristics*we all like categorization
Myths about race
1) idea that race is essentially biologically based2)idea that any race is pure3)Idea that any race is superior
Dominant/majority Groups
Groups with more power, priveleges, and highest social status
Minority/subjugated groups
-racial or ethnic minorities-unequal treatment-not necessarily numerical minorityBECOME MINORITY:1) move to a new place (migration) [minority goes to majority]2) Expansion of political power (majority goes to minority)
Construction of racial/ethnic identitiy
-shared traditions breed ethnic work; adherence to festivities-have an overwhelming sense of race/ethnicity (salience)AWARENESS:1) Size=small2) Power=little3) Appearance= distinct4) Discrimination=long history
Patterns of intergroup relations
-Genocide/ethnic cleansing-population transfer (pushing people out)-internal colonialism (open subjugation/explotation--slavery)-segregation--separate but equal; have a bit of legal protection but discrimination persists-assimilation: cultural then structural then biological (amalgamation); forced v. permissible assimilation; fusion/melting pot v. anglo-conformity; QUICKEST ASSIMILATION:1) small differences 2) Receptive majority3) Arrival over long period of time4) old arrival5) dispersed minority groups-IDEAL: pluralism/multiculturalism
Prejudice and Discrimination
Prejudice: an attitude or prejudging, usually in a negative way-learning from association-the far reaching nature of bias-internalizing dominant norms of bias (his/her own race biases)
*stereotypes: categorizations or overgeneralization about a group of people
Discrimination: an act of unfair ttreatment directed against an individual or a group-individual discrimination: hate crimes-institutional discrimination: built into a society institutions; ability to get home mortgages and car loans, ability to obtain healthcare**Distance yourself from the minority in order to gain power: latino more likely to say they like whites than blacks; blacks more likely to say they like latinos than whites etch*racism: prejudice and discrimination on basis of racestereotypes-->prejudice-->discrimination
Theory of Prejudice and discrimination
Social-psychological perspectives: -The authoritarian personality: type of person that is high in conformity and intolerance as well as insecurity and submissiveness-Frustration and scapegoats: someone who becomes biased towards a group because they are frustrated and seek convenient targets-group threat hypothesis: the greater % minority around, the higher the discriminationSociological perspective: -Symbolic interactionalism: labels create prejudice (selective perceptions=blind to some features of situcation); create a behavior by self-fulfilling prophecy-Functionalism: nazi germany gave the Germans a scapegoat with the jews for all the shit that was going on in the country; most jews were prominant and own lots of important thingsConflict Theory: keep workers insecre (unemployed serve as reserve labor force); encouraging racial divisions pits workers against one another and weaken bargaining power