Sociology Final - Stratification


54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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- author of dime novels that told rags to riches stories; building on tenacity, hard work, and eventual achievement of the American Dream- books: Sink or Swim; Up the Ladder; From Boy to President
Horatio Alger Story( 1832- 1899)
Books like Sink or Swim, Up the ladder, and from boy to president contribute to the.......that all americans could make it if they only pull themselves up by their own bootstraps
National Ideology
True/False: Horatio Alger Story is a myth.
Abe Lincoln, Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey are all examples of what story?
Horatio Alger
Self imposed tutelage, western history wanted to do away with premordialism, dare to think (immanuel kant) were all apart of what?
True/false: forms of stratification vary
This takes the form of different classes in the U.S.
Global distribution of wealth and poverty is revisited
Global inequlity
The structured social inequality or systematic inequalities or ranking of people in society
In 2008, who made 206 million dollars
Oprah winfrey
How much did Obama make?
5.5 million
What years were the Scottish Enlightment
He said that emergence of private property is the primary source of social ills and that social inequality is the condition where there are no differences in wealth, power, prestige or status based on non-natural conventions
This person believed that inequality kept the population in check
These people saw inequality as necessary
Thinkers of the enlightenment