What is Sociological Imagination Flashcards


27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is sociological imagination?
Seeing the relationship between personal troubles and public issues.
What is a cheerful robot?
People who follow societal constraints, and do as told. They do not have sociological competance or imagination, but feel as something is wrong. continue to go about life and believe thats the way things are supposed to be.
- blame individual
What is mills definitions of freedom?
Freedom is the ability to formulate choices, argue over them, and have the opportunity to choose.
Why is sociological imagination needed?
Helps people from feeling trapped. To know how to deal with problems and solve them accurately
What is feeling trapped and why do we feel trapped?
Men and women who are confronted with an issue or problem but cant determine values
What are personal troubles and public issues?
Personal troubles are to immediate life, one mans strugges, and public issues are how society is affected as a whole, issues involved with work and society.
According to lemert, what are the four questions sociologies try to answer?
- how do people cope with overwhelming power of social structures they cant see?
- how do they live as subjects amid to such big social forces?
- how do they measure the meaning of their lives against the array of social differences they encounter?
- by what methods do people figure out how to live with themselves in the face of social differences?
What, according to lemert, is sociological competence?
This is the ability to make relations and go about life with others with little instruction. comes like second nature
What is professional and practical sociological competence?
Practical is like an instinct, and our way to go about life. and professional builds from that.
In the organizers wife, what is the main point bambara is making about organizing?
When we organize it gives us a sense of belonging
What is an example of sociological competance and sociological imagination?
The organizers wife, virginia, started to understand and gain sociological competence, she started doing research and heard the land was going to be sold and knew who to talk to! she had a distinctive path.
What is the Research process?
1. identifying topic
2. developing question
3. defining rational of study
4. find out whats already known
5. determine evidence
6. select method
7. collect evidence
8. analyze evidence
9. present argument
What does parenti mean by " power as a systemic force?"
Power builds up! making people with more or less power
What is the most effective ideology?
Not the ones prevailing against challenges, the nature of things we cant change so they become effective.
What is a social role and institution?
Social role is the expected behavior of our status in society. and the institution is the context of the social role and teaches us what counts as normal and successful.