South Asia


100 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What were "coolie laborers"?
Indentured Singaporean Indians that were brought to Singapore.
What was Indian diaspora?
Occurred in the 18th and 19th centuries in colonial England when the native populations in India are large.
Where are Indians in Africa?
South Africa, Uganda, Kenya
Where were Indians in the Caribbean?
Trinidad and Tobago
Where were Indians in Southeast Asia?
Where were Indians in Europe?
United Kingdom
Where were Indians in North America?
Where were Indians in the Oceania
Australia and Fiji
Where were ethnic Indians found in South America?
What were the regions of South Asia?
Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Andaman Islands (Indian Subcontinent)
What was the population ranking in India?
2nd Largest (eventually will be 1st)
What was the population ranking in Pakistan and Bangladesh?
Both were in the top 10
What is India's rate of natural increase?
1.5% (adds 15 million per year or 2 NYC a year)
Why does India have large out-migration?
Quite poor, migration to wealthy west
Where do people from India migrate to in the wealthy west?
Canada, U.K., Australia, U.S.( NY, NJ, Chicago)