Spain, England, France and the New World

Facts about Spain, France, and England's colonies in the new world.

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Who were the "pirates" and which royal were they "friends" of?
Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Frances Drake were pirates and friends of Queen Elizabeth I of England.
What natural resources did France want out of the new world?
Fur Tobacco Sugar
What settlement was founded in 1607?
What is the act of sending raw materials to the mother country to finish them off?
Who became allis with the natives, married native women, and traded for furs with them?
The French
What was the first self-written government in the new world called?
The Mayflower Compact
What did Spain want out of the new world?
Gold and silver
What did England want out of the new world?
Lands and riches
Which ruler kept a "tight glove" on New France, keeping everyone Catholic and forbading any Protestant migration?
King Louis XIV
What was the condition that Europe had because of natural disasters and inflation of money?
Economic Conditions
What was the intolerance that only allowed Catholics and considered all others illegal?
Religious Intolerance
Which country found the new world as an accident? Who was the explorer?
Spain - Columbus
What two factors did the Spanish system of settlement involve?
The Church (the Catholic Church) and The Sword (the army).
Who founded one of the first settlements in New France?
Samuel de Champlain
What were the men who ran to Indian villages and traded for furs called?
Forest Runners