Spanish History

Multiple choi ce spani

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Who was considered the Father of Cuban Independence?
Jose Marti
True or False: Portugal was once a part of Spain.
What does the red in the Spanish flag represent?
Bloodshed in wars
Who was the Mexican dictator during the Mexican-American War?
Santa Ana
What two animals appear on the Mexican flag?
Eagle and serpent
What Spanish conquistador built a palace in Cuerravaca, Mexico?
Hernan Cortes
Who is considered the national hero of Spain?
El Cid
How did Maximilian die?
Executed by firing squad
What group of people were the first to use arches in architecture?
The Moors
What was the capital city of the Incas of Peru?
What are the dates of both Mexican Independence Days?
September 15 and 16
The Mexican government spends more money on defense than on education
What country defeated the spanish Armada, thus diminishing Spanish rule in the world?
Juana la Loca was the daughter of...
Ferdinand & Isabella
Who was the Mexican leader at the Alamo?
Santa Ana