Special Education Chapter 5

Introduction to Special Education

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Learning disability
A disability of unexpected underachievement typically involving reading that is resistant to treatment
Process-product debate
The argument about whether perceptual training or direct instruction is more effective to teach reading
Unexpected underachievement
A defining characteristic of learning disabilities; when poor school performance cannot be explained by other abilities or potential
IQ/achievement discrepancy
The old criterion required for learning disabilities identification; 2-year difference between potential or expected performance and a score from an achievement test
Reading/learning disabilities
A condition where a student's learning disability is most significant in reading
Mathematics/learning disabilities
A condition where a student's learning disability is most signifcant in areas of mathematics
Need to succeed, drive not to fail
Explanations individuals give themselves for their successes or failures
Learned helplessness
Usually a result of repeated failure or excessive control by others; individuals become less willing to attempts tasks or understand their actions result in success
A thinking skill; the ability to categorize items or grouping concepts by their common characteristics
To transfer learning from particular instances to other environments, people times, or events
Social competence
Being able to understand respond appropriately in social situations
Response to intervention
A multitiered preferral method of increasingly intensive interventions; used to identify non responders or students with learning disabilities
Universal screening
Testing all students to identify those in need of assistance or more intensive instruction
Discrepancy formulas
Calculations used to determine the gap between achievement and intelligence; used to identify students with learning disabilities