SRNA Exam #2, 3, & 4

SRNA Course exam # 3

313 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Mouth care for unconcious people should be done how often?
At least every 2 hours
What program is best for someone dying of cancer?
What is the difference between deoderant and antiperspirants?
Deoderant masks and controls body odor, antiperspirants reduce the amount of perspiration.
How long is a tub bath?
No longer than 20 minutes.
What are common causes of a stroke?
Bleeding and blood clots
Are sudden, severe chest pain and shortness of breath warning signs of a stroke?
What does COPD interfere with?
O2 and Co2 exchange
What color is the sputum of someone with pneumonia?
Depends on the cause
What is breathing fluid, food, vomitus, or an object into the lungs called?
How often do older persons usually need a complete bath or shower?
Twice a week
How long does a back massage last?
3 to 5 minutes
When is perineal care done?
Daily during bath, or whenever the area is soiled with urine or feces.
How is TB spread?
Airborne droplets
When bathing, do you go from the dirtiest to the cleanest area or cleanest to dirtiest?
Cleanest to dirtiest
What temperature is the water for a complete bed bath supposed to be?