Story of Moses

Bible study of Moses

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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What is the first book in the bible that we begin hearing about Moses?
Exodus means what?
Exit or departure. The title explains how God took care the Jews and led them out of Egypt.
What was Moses's special task
Lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
Why did the king of Egypt want to kill the newborn sons?
He was afraid the Jews were growing in numbers and strength.
How long was Moses hid after he was born?
Three months.
Who found Moses in a basket floating down th Nile River?
Pharoah's daughter
Moses's name means
I drew him out of the water.
What did Moses do when he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew?
He killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
When Pharoah heard that Moses had killed an Egyptian, what did he try to do?
He wanted to kill Moses, but Moses fled to Midian.
Who was Moses's first wife?
Who is Moses's father-in-law?
Jethro, the priest of Midian
How did God first appear to Moses?
Burning bush in the desert of Horeb, the mountain of God.
What did God want Moses to do?
Go back to Egypt and bring the Israelites out of Egypt.
What were the three signs/miracles that showed that God was with Moses?
His staff turned to a snake. his hand turned leprous. And if that didn't work, he was to get water from the Nile that would turn into blood.
What was the one thing Moses was concerned about when God told him to go to Egypt and free the Israelites?
He was slow of speech and tongue.