Systematic Microbiology Intro


24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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What is Systematic Microbiology?
The study of the diversity of microorganisms and their relationships
What are the goals of Systematic Microbiology?
To characterise microorganisms
To arrange microoganisms in an orderly manner
Microorganisms are placed in a classification that accuratley reflects?
Evolutionary history (on top of observed)
Degree of genetic differenences
What are the aspects of Systematic Microbiology?
1. Classification
2. Taxonomy
3. Identification
4. Nomenclature
5. Phylogeny
What is classification?
Ordering of microorganisms into groups
What is Taxonomy?
Theory or Science of classification
(synonym for Systematic Microbiology)
What is Identification?
Recognition of unidentified organisms as smiliar to previously characterised organisms
(A Comparison)
What is Nonmenclature?
Naming of organisms with correct international scientific names using the Bionmial scientific name: Genus species
How is Systematic Microbiology relevant?
1. Facilitates transfer of information about microorganisms. Summarizes, catalogues information about the organism. (A form of database / information retrieval system)
2. Naming organisms facilitats transfer of information succinctly.
3. Informed judgement can be made on:
rish and benefits
growth requirements
control of microorganisms
substances produced by microorganisms
An informed judgement can be made on what factors?
Risks and benefits
growth requirements
control of microorganisms
substances produced by microorganisms
What are the applications of Taxonomy?
Ecology and agriculture
Culture Collections
Example of Ecology and agricultural application?
Nitrogen-fixing bacterial strains which are more effieient have to be isolated and identified.
Mycorrhizae - "root fungi"
Create a symbiotic relationship with trees that facilitate nutrient absorption
What is the microorganism that is commonly known as "root fungi" and what does it do?
Mycorrhizae has a symbioyic relationship with trees that facilitates nurtient absorbtion
What is Pathology?
The study and diagnosis of disease.
How is systematic microbiology useful for pathology?
Identification of causal agents of infectious diseases
rapid diagnoisis can be achieved by DNA technologies used by taxonomists