Answer These Personality Traits and Behavior Flashcards

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Personality traits are infeerred from past behavior and allow us to
To under stand personality trait theorist attempt to
Classify traits and discover how they are related to behavior
Theory seek to describe personality in terms of a small number of underlying personality factors
According to allport, some traits are so basica tat all of a person activities can be traced to the existence of these traits. these are what traits
Fatima perfers vanilla milkshakes and cheeseburgers, likes horror movies and punk rock bands and weras blue jeans almost all the time. According to allport, this description idenifies what traits?
Defined as an individual's unique and realtively stable patterns of thinking, feeling, behaving, and expressing feelings
In the five factor model of personality, the dimension that measures whether a person is self disciplined, responsible, and achieving or irresponsible, careless, and undependable is the what dimension
According to the big five model of personality, peoplewith which of the following traits tend to earn more money during their careers, have more sexual partners, and be more likely to divorce?
According to freud, thersonality system that sets goals and aspirations that result in fellings of pride when they are met is the
Ego ideal
According to freud, a person with a weak superego would probably be
Self serving
According to psychoanalytic theory, which of the following functions entirely at the unconscious level of awareness
Brandon's comedy act would be characterize as being a combination of cynicism and biting sarcasm. offstage brandon tends to be very argumentative. According to freud, brandon would be what personality
Oral aggressive
Which theory of personality was developed by sigmud freud
As albert looks over the village in which he has been living for the last year as a peace corps volunteer, he begins to feel a sense of harmony and ecstasy as if he is at one with the universe. according to abraham maslow, alber is experiencing
A peak experience
Rogers believed that a person was more likely to beome a fully functioning person if he or she
Recieved ample amounts of love and acceptance from others