Impact of Electronic Media Violence Flashcards

Final. 100-110

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Regarding televised violence, which of the following statements is FALSE?
TV violence is realistic.
The _____ of aggression is illustrated by the fact that children who are physically abused at home and those who suffer severe physical punishment are more likely to be involved in fighting, aggressive play, and antisocial behavior at school.
Social learning theory
Social learning theory implies that watching a violent show or boxing match on TV
Encourages aggression.
According to Eron's research, one of the best predictors of how aggressive a young man would be at age 19 was
The violence of the television programs he preferred when he was eight years old.
A mother who wants to buffer the effect of television on her children should
Limit total viewing time for her children and schedule what is viewed.
A study by Jerome and Dorothy Singer found that preschoolers who watch Barney and Friends showed
All of these improvements.
Prosocial behavior on TV _____ the prosocial behavior of its viewers.
Jared conducts an experiment in which children watch a Lassie episode that emphasizes helping. Based on the results of similar experiments, the results of Jared's experiment will most likely demonstrate that
TV can be used to promote helping and cooperation.
Learning to use the steps in anger control has been shown to
Do all of these.
Racism, sexism, and ageism are examples of