
Final. 121-130.

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 208

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According to psychologists Conor Seyle and Matthew Newman, a better approach than using the “red and blue states” map would include
Denoting counties within states voting more than 70 percent Republican or 70 percent Democrat as “red” and “blue,” respectively; and using purple for lower percentages.
In the study comparing the attitudes of European-American women who lived in integrated and segregated housing projects, the European-American women in
The integrated project showed a favorable shift in attitudes toward their African-American neighbors.
If black and white children are given equal power, privileges, and duties at a summer camp,
Attitudes toward children of the opposite-race improved.
According to Aronson, superordinate goals are effective because they
Create mutual interdependence.
Aronson's research in "jigsaw" classrooms suggests that hostility among white and minority children is least likely to occur in situations characterized by
Mutual interdependence between students.
_____ refers to giving equal status, recognition, and acceptance to different ethnic and cultural groups.
Of the following terms, which does NOT belong with multiculturalism?
"melting pot"
Are characterized by all of these.
_____ helps define a person as a separate entity rather than as a member of a group or social category.
Individuating information
In "breaking the prejudice habit," which of the following would be beneficial?
All of these