Technical Communications

For EN3050

103 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What process helps the writer adjust to the readers' level of understanding?
Audience analysis.
Business and technical writing centers on what or whom?
Readers or audience.
What are some characteristics to consider in audience analysis?
Age, maturity level, educational level, gender, amd cultural background.
What is the difference between active voice and passive voice?
In active voice, the subject of the sentence does the action. In passive voice, the subject receives the action.
What is the corporate communication flow?
Multiple audiences, time frames and schedules that must be taken into consideration in technical writing.
What is the most important concept in the entire course?
Audience analysis.
Why should a writer be familiar with the shades of meaning of similar words?
In order to select the precise words to communicate the intended meaning.
How many steps are suggested before generating a plan?
Twelve steps.
What is data analysis?
The process of interpreting raw data so that a decision can be made.
What are the two types of data?
Qualitative and quantitative.
What are the two types of research?
Primary and secondary.
What four things must a writer do to enhance the accuracy of data analysis?
1. Understand the research problem. 2. Apply a critical viewpoint. 3. Have knowledge of logic. 4. Understand basic statistical procedures.
What three things are part of data preparation for most types of business research?
Editing, coding and entering into a computer.
What type of data analyisis includes classification, analysis and synthesis?
Non-statistical analysis or application of logical thought.
Name the five sections are often included in a proposal?
1. Background. 2. Purpose. 3. Provisions. 4. Budget. 5. Implementation Plan.