Teen Leadership


27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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It's not your I.Q. that sets you apart, its your
I can
The difference between those who do well, and those who truly excel is
5% extra effort
It takes _______ to form a good impression
30 seconds
It takes _________ to correct a bad first impression.
20 encounters
When talking to someone for the first time, use their
Name 3 times in the conversation.
Not everyone has good social skills because of one or more of three reasons:
1. they haven't been taught the technique
2. they're too lazy to care
3. They have not used them enough to be good at it
Two suggestions that help you become an effective speaker and presenter are to
Speak slowly and take deep breaths
When using the Hamburger Bun method of writing a speech you first give us your (1)_______. Then, tell us the
(2)___________. Finally give us an (3)__________.
1. lead
2. body of the speech
3. interesting conclusion
When giving a speech, work hardest on
Writing and memorizing your opening and closing lines
(1)___ of every message is communicated through tone of voice. (2)__ through tone of voice. (3)__ through the words we use.
1. 55%
2. 38%
3. 7%
The WIT way of thinking stands for
Whatever it takes
In order to be an effective communicator we must do two things:
Be credible and captures peoples' hearts and minds
The 4 categories of communication goals are
Persuade, entertain, inform, actuate
Strong leaders speak for those who
Can't speak for themselves and for what is right
There are 4 parts to the Full-value Contract
1. confidentiality
2. challenge by choice
3. no put-downs to yourself or others
4. give 100%