Ten Amendments

social studies test two

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Amendment One
Freedom of Speech
Say whatever you want if its not gonna get you in trouble, say it as long as it wont hurt someone, you can show it on clothes, tatoos, shirts
Freedom of Press
Make a point by using the press, can't make up straight lies, straight lies is called slanders
Freedom of Religion
US can't make laws on what you can believe in and what you can not believe in, government can't help religion, or put other religions down
Freedom of Assembly
You cant cause chaos, you can gather as long as your peaceful and not making trouble
Example of Freedom of Assembly
A gang can assemble but as long as they don't cause a disturbance they can keep assembling, the second they cause disturbance its over.
Freedom of Petition
You can get signatures if you dont like a law and you can change it if you get enough sigs and maybe the law will change.
Example of Freedom of Petiton
Sometimes kids in school will have petitions and then bring it to the administration
Amendment Two
The right to bare arms
What Amendment Two Means
Right to bare arms protects peoples rights to buy weapons, carry a weapon, or have on in there house
Example of Amendment Two
The brady thing is a example of amendment two
Things That Go Under Amendment Two
Its illeagle to own semi automatics, guns can not have automatic weapons, hand gun rules, how to buy guns, and how to recieve guns
Amendment Three
Thing about military staying in peoples houses
Amendment Four
Search and Arrest
What Amendment Four Means
People have the right to say no to cops if the cops want to come in and search it if they don't have a warrent