
Shadow Panther Tenderfoot Study Guide

6 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Whip the end of a rope.
Answer 1
How do you fuse a rope?
Apply a flame to the end of the rope until it melts together. Be careful not to burn yourself or drip melted plastic on yourself.
Tie two half hitches
Answer 3
Describe the edge method.
E-Explain the task D-Demonstrate the task G-guide during practice E- Enable further learning by ensuring that the trainee can do the task without assisstance.
Tie the square knot.
Answer 5
Explain safe hiking on a highway
  1. If there is no sidewalk hike facing traffic in a single file.
  2. To make it easier for drivers to see you wear light colored clothes.
  3. If you are hiking along a road at night tie strips of white cloth or reflective ribbon around your right leg.
  4. Carrying a flashlight while hiking at night
  5. Do not hitchhike.