Test 1 Biology 1407 Online Course

Test one Chapters 19,21,51,52,54

99 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Charles Darwin's purpose when he set forth on the Beagle to sail around the world was to ____.
Collect and identify organisms encountered on the voyage.
Darwin noticed that the nutria, a semiaquatic rodent, was ____.
Closely related to completely terrestrial rodents of South America.
Darwin represented his idea that all species arose through "descent with modification" by a ____.
Tree, showing the branching of species from each other.
Darwin used the term "artificial selection" to refer to ___.
Selective breeding by humans to create new varieties of agricultural crops, farm animals, and pets
Darwin's theory of evolution was unique for all the following reasons except____.
A) Darwin provided physical rather that spiritual explanations for the origins of biological diversity.
b)Darwin provided a mechanism by which individual could adapt as their environment changed.
c)Darwin described evolution as a multistage process.
d) Darwin understood that evolution occurs because some organisms function better that others in a particular environment.

Early biologists studying morphology noticed that ___.
Walking, swimming, and flying mammals all have radius and ulna bones in their forelimbs.
Early scientists studying biogeography noticed that ___.
Different species with similar forms occupy similar habitats on different continents.
In studying the finches from the Galapagos Islands, Darwin immediately discovered that ____.
Related species of finch have different beaks for different food sources.
One would expect that a protein used in cellular respiration in humans would be most similar to the same protein in which other organism?
The concept of uniformitarianism ___.
Implies that the earth must be millions (or billions) and not thousands of years old. States that the processes that formed the earth continue to occur in the present time and was proposed by Charles Lyell.
The fossel Archaeopteryx ___.
Shows an intermediate structure between birds and dinosaurs.
When comparing fossils and living species in South America, Darwin noticed ___.
The extinct glyptodont and living armadillos are similar to each other, but different from any other species.
When Darwin visited the Galapagos Island, he discovered that tortoise species on different islands are ___.
Slightly different but closely related, and also related to those on the mainland
Which of the following is not one of Darwin's observations that led to his theory of evolution by natural selection?
Individual respond to changes in their environment by adapting.
Which of the following is evidence suggesting that humans and sharks share a common ancestor?
The circulatory systems in both shark and human embryos emerge in similar fashion. Human embryos have gill pouches similar to those in adult fish. and Both humans and shark embryos have a tail.