Test 3- Characteristics and Types of Negotiable Instruments

MGMT 643

39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Commercial paper=negotiable instruments=negotiable contracts
Written promises or orders to pay sums of money
K which is freely transferred from 1 person to another taking with it certain legal rights and duties
Sub for money, creates credit
Purposes of negotiable instruments
How negotiable instruments creates credit
Future repayment of items you presently enjoy becuase k between you and creditor (person who extends your credit)
Negotiable instruments as sub for money
K between depositor and bank
1. signed and in writing- no oral negotiable k
2. contains an unconditional promise or order to pay
3. sum certain in money only
4. payable on demand or at a fixed future date
5. contains the magic words of negotiability- pay to the order of or pay to bearer
5 requirements of negotiability
Doesn't destroy negotiability
If date omitted...
Assume date instrument given to other person
Why isn't negotiability destroyed if date omitted
1. promissory note
2. draft or check
3. certificate of deposit
3 classifications of negotiable instruments
Promissory note
2 party instrument
-contains at least a "promise to pay" maybe an "order" too

"promise to pay to the order of"
Maker & payee
2 parties of promissory note
Maker (promissory note)
Made the promise, signs it
Payee (promissory note)
Person to be paid
1. lump sum or single pay note
2. installment
3. balloon or bullet note
3 types of promissory notes (payment)
Lump sum or single pay note
Entire amount at 1 fixed future date