The Decline of the Roman Catholic Church/Philip the Fair and Boniface VIII

1285-early 15th century

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What did King Philip IV demand of the French clergy?
That they pay taxes.
What country was Philip IV the king of?

What was the bull,issued by Pope Boniface VIII,called? And what did it do?
Clericos Loaicos; it prohibited the taxation of the clergy without papal approbal.
When neither refused to give way, what bull did Pope Boniface VIII issue and what did it say?
Unam Sanctam; claimed papal supremacy in uncompromising terms.
Who took the pope's position after the death of Benedict XI?
Pope Clement V.
Where did Pope Clement V move to avoid anarchy in Rome?
Avignon, a papal possession in southern France.
What is the succession of French popes that resided in Avignon for almost 70 years called?
Babylonian Captivity.

What pope decided to move back to Rome from France?
Pope Gregory XI.
Who did the cardinals elect as pope after Pope Gregory Xi's death? And where was he from?
Pope Urban VI; Italian.
After the Italian pope was elected, who decided that Pope Urban VI's election was invalid?
French cardinals.
Who did the French cardinals elect as pope?
Frenchman, Pope Clement VII.
What Council attempted to dispose of both popes and elect a new pope?
The Council of Pisa.
Who did the Council of Pisa elect as the new pope?
Pope Alexander V.
What is the period called where there was 2-3 popes?
The Great Schism.
What council met from 1414-1418 and ended the Great Schism?
The Council of Constance.