The Digestive System

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The organs of the digestive system are separated into __ groups __________ organs and ________ organs
2, primary, accessory
Primary organs include (basically from one opening to another)
Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anal canal
Accessory organs include (3 in the mouth and the rest organs)
Teeth, salivary glands, tongue, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, appendix
The primary organs from a tube open at both ends also known as the ____ _____ which is ___ feet long in adults
GI tract (gastrointestinal), 29
Food enters the tract and is _______, it's nutrients are _______ and undigested residues are called _______ and are eliminated
Digested, absorbed, feces
Accessory organs help the _________ or ___________ breakdown of food
Mechanic and chemical
______ are used to break down the food and the ________ churns the food to contnue mechanical breakdown
Teeth, stomach
Chemical breakdown is a result of _________ __________ and other chemicals acting on food in gi tract
Digestive enzymes
The process of altering the chemical and physical compostion of food is called
The digestive system also functions as a system for __________
Food undergoes 3 types of processes:
Digestion, absorption, metabolism
Oral cavity is also called a _______
The tongue is made of _________ muscle and is anchored to bones in the skull and the _______ bone in neck and aids in the ___________ manipulation of food, the tongue has sensory tastebuds called ________
Skeletal, hyoid, mechanical, papillae
Teeth provide for ____________ of food and _________ stimulates the ________ glands. the adult has ____ permanent teeth
Mastication, chewing, salvary, 32
Salivary glands contains ________ which break down starches and sugars, the salivary glands also ________ food to help pass through to the __________
Enzymes, moisten, esophagus