Third Hour Exam (finals)

Final exam note cards  

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The wavelength of light that has a frequency of 1.20 X 1013s1 is ______ um.
A) 25.0
B) 2.50 X 10-5
C) 0.04000
D) 12.0
E) 2.5
The energy of a photon of light is _____ proportional to its frequency and ______ proportional to its wavelength.
A) directly, directly
B) inversely, inversely
C) inversely, directly
D) directly, inversely
E) indirectly, not
The energy of a photon that has a frequency of 18.21 x 1015 s-1 is ______ J.
A) 5.44 X 10-18
B) 1.99 X 10-25
C) 3.49 X 10-48
D) 1.21 X 10-17
E) 5.44 X 10-18

The energy of a photon that has a wavelength of 9.0m is _____J.
A) 2.2 X 10-26
B) 4.5 X 1025
C)6.0 X 10-23
D) 2.7 X 109
E) 4.5 X 10-25
Which on of the following is considered to be ionizing radiation?
A) visible light
B) radio waves
C) X-rays
D) Microwaves
E) infrared radiation
Of the following transitions in the Bohr hydrogen atom, the _____ transition results in the emission of the highest- energy photon.
A) n=1 ----> n=6
B) n=6 ------> n=1
C) n=6 ------.> n=3
D) n=3 ------> n=4
The uncertainty principle states that _______.
A) matter and energy are really the same thing
B) it is impossible to know anything with certainty
C) it is impossible to know th exact position and momentum of an electron
D) there can only be one uncertain digit in a reported number
E) it its impossible to know how many electrons there are in an atom.
All of the orbitals in a given electron shell have the same value of the ______ quantum number.
A) principal
B) azimuthal
C) magnetic
D) spin
E) psi
An electron cannot have the quantum numbers n= _____, l _____, ml = _____.
A) 2,0,0
B) 2,1, -1
C) 3,1,-1
D) 1,1,1
E) 3,2,1
The n=1 shell contains ___ p orbitals. All the other shells contain ___ p orbitals.
A) 3, 6-9
B) 0, 3
C) 6, 2
D) 3,3
E) 2, 6
Which one of the following is an incorrect sub-shell notation?
A) 4f
B) 2d
C) 3s
D) 2p
E) 3d
Which of the following are types of quantum numbers?

principal azimuthal quaternary magnetic polar
A) azimuthal, magnetic, & polar
B) principal, azimuthal, and quaternary
C) principal and polar
D) principal, azimuthal, & magnetic
E) principal, azimuthal, quaternary, and magnetic
In a Px orbital, the subscripts x denotes the _______ of the electron.
A) energy
B) spin of the electrons
C) probability of the shell
D) size of the orbital
E) axis along which the orbital is aligned
How many p-orbitals are there in a Ne atom?
A) 0
B) 1
C) 6
D) 3
E) 2
At maximum, an f-sub-shell can hold___ electrons, a d-sub shell can hold ___ electrons, and a p-sub shell can hold ___ electrons.
A) 14, 10, 6
B) 2, 8, 18
C) 18, 8, 2
D) 2, 12, 21
E) 2, 6, 10