" CSMLS - Part 1 Chemistry Mock Flashcards "

Learn everything about the CSMLS Chemistry with the help of flashcard Mocks. Prepare for the topic CSMLS Chemistry from scratch to master level through our flashcards mocks. Learn, study, and revise everything related to the CSMLS Chemistry that makes revision more easy and fun based on our flashcard mocks.

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What are 3 clinical reasons for a (true) abnormal blood gas result?
1. Patient is not getting enough O2 (airway blocked, COPD) 2. Patient is not getting rid of enough CO2
3. Patient has renal problems
How are blood gas results affected when there is a delay in sample processing (> 30 mins from time of collection)?
Due to cellular respiration: pCO2 increases, pO2 decreases, pH decreases
Also potassium is increased due to continual leakage from the RBCs, and glucose is decreased due to glycolysis.
What is the ~ pO2 & pCO2 of atmospheric (room) air?
PO2 = ~ 150 mmHg
pCO2 = ~ 1 mmHg
What is the pKa of the bicarbonate buffer system? What is the approximate pH when there is a 20:1 ratio of bicarb to H2CO3?
PKa = 6.1
pH = 7.4
What is the normal reference range for arterial pH? pO2? pCO2?
PH 7.35 - 7.45
pO2 80 - 100 mmHg
pCO2 35 - 45 mmHg
When the body undergoes an acidosis, how does the respiratory system try to compensate?
Hyperventilates to decrease pCO2
What is deoxyhemoglobin? How many molecules of O2 is hemoglobin capable of carrying?
Hemoglobin that is not bound to O2.
Hg can carry up to 4 molecules of O2.
What is carboxyhemoglobin? Is the bond reversible?
Hemoglobin bound to CO (carbon monoxide). Yes it is reversible, but very difficult! Hg prefers CO 200 x more than O2.
What is methemoglobin (met-Hg)? Can it be reversed/"fixed"?
Hemoglobin with oxidized iron Fe3+ (ferric); can't carry O2;
Can force reduce the Fe3+ iron into Fe2+ ferrous iron via methemoglobin reductase enzyme found in RBCs.
What is sulfhemoglobin? Can it be reversed?
Hemoglobin bound to sulfur. Can NOT be reversed (irreversible bond); remains until the RBC finishes it's life cycle.
Name some chemistry analytes that would be increased if there is a delay in centrifugation (>2 hr after collection)
Potassium, LD, Phosphorus, Mg all will continue to leak out of RBCs.
Ammonia, creatinine, ALT, AST
Name some chemistry analytes that would be decreased if there is a delay in centrifugation.
Glucose, ionized calcium, bicarb
What is the formula to calculate RCF?
RCF = 1.12 x r (mm) x (RPM/1000)^2
RCF = 1.118 x 10^ -5 x radius (cm) x RPM^2
(from wiki)
What chemistry analytes are increased due to hemolysis?
Potassium, LD, AST, ALT, IRON, AMMONIA*, Mg, Phosphorus, Protein
What chemistry analyte is falsely elevated due to patient smoking before collection?