Unit 1 Test Prep: Major Themes, Histology, Integumentary System

Basic info re:  tissues  features, classifications, etc.body systems.  Test prep for Bio 201 Wallace Community College

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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List the 3 parts of a neuron & describe.
Dendrites, Soma of neuron, Axon Axon-is a process that looks like it is being pulled away from the Soma, like it is stretched. Dendrites are processes feeding into the neuron. The Soma is the body of the neuron with the nucleus generally in the middle of the Soma.
Name the four types of tissue
1) epithelial
2) muscle
3) connective
Break down the types of simple epithelial tissues and major feature of each.
Simple squamous epi - single layer, flattened tube shape. Simple cuboidal epi -single layer, cube or wedge shape. Simple columnar epi -single layer, column. Nucleus near basal end-tend to see nuclei lined up. Pseudostratified clliated epi - appears to be stratified but actually all connect to basement membrane. Nuclei in various positions. May or may not have cilia.
Explain stratified epithelium
Stratified means "layered" so they are found in layers. Stratified squamous epi - layered, cells are cuboidal but flatten toward the surface. transitional epi - many layers with teardrop-shaped cells that do NOT flatten toward the surface - ONLY found in urinary bladder to allow ongoing stretching due to urine.
Sites you find each simple epithelial tissue type
Simple squamous epi: lungs, inside heart & blood vesels. single layer helps with diffusion and secretion of serous fluids. simple cuboidal epi: in kidney tubules and liver. helps with absorption and secretion simple columnar epi: from stomach thru intestines absorption & secretion pseudostratified columnar epi: respiratory passages. secretes mucus & traps dust to move them away from lungs.
Sites you find stratified epithelial tissue types and WHY stratified needed here.
Stratified squamous epi: epidermis, oral cavity & vagina The many layers resist abrasion, prevents microbial infection, retards water loss in skin. transitional epi: urinary bladder - allows ongoing stretching due to input of urine in the bladder.streches and recoils quite well.
What are the three types of cell connections? Describe each.
DESMOSOMES-like snaps with long fibers to secure the snaps. TIGHT JUNCTIONS-holds the cells close together. GAP JUNCTIONS-connect one cell to another and allow ions and other small solutes to pass between cells.
Name the three types of muscular tissue.
SKELETAL MUSCLE - has striations, is voluntary & verrrrry long. Shortens when it contracts. Many nuclei. CARDIAC MUSCLE - striated but less noticeable than skeletal, muscles branch, involuntary, can't claim it is cardiac until you see the intercalated discs (show up as darker stripe than striations. In heart only. SMOOTH MUSCLE - nonstriated, involuntary. Found in intestine, uterus and other areas that involve contraction.
Name locations different muscle tissues found
Skeletal - found in biceps brachii, rectus abdominis, etc. just think "muscles" Cardiac muscle - only in heart for rhythmic contraction of the heart Smooth Muscle - digestive tract & uterus for sustained contractions (movement of food or infant delivery.)
What is Perichondrium?
The perichondrium is dense irregular connective tissue that is found as a thin layer on the surface of cartilage. There are 3 types: hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage & elastic cartilage.
Details of Hyaline Cartilage
Most common cartilage in the body. Found in apex of the nose, ends of many long bones, between ribs and sternum, in respiratory passages and other locations: APPEARANCE-clear & glassy can be light pink in slides..Has collagenous fibers but will not appear distinct as they blend into the color of the matrix.
What are chondrocytes?
"Scooby Doo eyes" cells that occur in hyaline cartilage. Look like eyes. Surrounded by the dense irregular tissue known as perichondrium...see "chondr" in both names?
Fibrocartilage details:
Has chondrocytes and collagenous fibers like hyaline cartilage but it has MANY more collagenous fibers. These can be seen in slides. Location:places where more stress is placed on tissue (intervertebral discs, menisci of each knee. APPEARANCE FEATURE: NEVER has perichondrium. Chondrocytes line up 4-5 or more. **CAN SEE THE FIBERS better than hyaline.
Details of elastic cartilage
APPEARANCE-unique as it has elastic fibers...looks more wavy than hyaline or fibrocartilage. Located in external ear & part of the larynx called epiglottis.
Details of osseous tissue:
Aka bone. 2 types-compact and spongy bone.