25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Has magnitude & direction
Only has magnitude
Adding Vectors
Place head of the 1st vector to tail of the second vector & draw an arrow from the tail of the first to the head of the second
Subtracting Vectors
Place heads of the 2 vectors together & draw an arrow from the tail of the 1st to the tail of the 2nd ( or add the - of the verctor to be subtracted)
Vector * scalar = ?
A vector
Vertical motion
Acceleration is constant due to gravity (10m/s2)
- ideal situations w/ no air resistance the horizontal acceleration is a constant zero
O = Hsin(theta)
A =Hcos(theta)
(change in) velocity/time
The earth moves around the sun @ ~ 30m/s. Is the Earth accelerating?
A) No, b/c acceleration is a vector
B) no, b/c the net displacement is 0
C) Yes b/c the speed is not constant
D) Yes b/c the velocity is not constant
Yes b/c the velocity is not constant
An airliner flies from Chicago to New Your. Due to the shape of the Earth the airliner must follow a curved trajectory> How does the curved trajctory of the airliner affect its final displcement for this trip
A) displacement is less than it would be if the airliner flew in a straight line
B) Displacement is greater than it would be in the airliner flew in a straight line to new york
C) displacement is same as it would be if airliner flew in straight line to New York
D) Displacement of airliner is zero
Displacement is same as it would be if airliner flew in straight line to New York
Automobile that was moving forward on a highway pulled over onto an exit ramp & slowed to a stop. While the automobile was slowing down, which of the following could be true
A) V = + & a = +
B) V = - & a = -
C) V = + & a = -
D V & a had same sign, either + or -
V = + & a = -
All of the following describe the magnitute & direction of a vecrtor Except:
A)10m/s West
B) 10m/s in a circle
C) 20m to the left
D) 20m straight up
10m/s in a circle