Vocabulary re view for

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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1. Symbolism: Sym-bol-ism
an object, word, color etc. that stands for something else, example: a heart stands for love or valentines day,
2. Twilight: Twi-light
Sunset, dusk, early evening
3. “Sour grapes” from the fable,
The Fox and The Grapes’ meaning what you want and can not get must be no good…so you are better off with out them or it…
4. Saunter: Saun-ter
Stroll with an attitude, amble, mosey……
5. Expectations: Ex-pect-a-tions
Hopes for, outlook on the future
6. Erratic: Er-rat-ic
not consistent, scattered
7. Decision: De-ci-sion
To make a choice to select one thing over another
8. Bulbous: Bul-bous
9. Omnipresent Om-ni-pres-ent:
10. Peninsula: Pen-in-su-la
A land mass surrounded by water on three sides… .Florida, Maine, etc…
11. Noble: No-ble
Righteous, does the correct thing decent