UCLA Sociology 1 Midterm

UCLA Sociology 1 Midterm Spring 2010Professor Darnell Hunt

64 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Sociological imagination
Ability to step outside personal experience and make links between it and larger forces of society
Social structure
Patternings of relationships that shape how people act, access to resources, power-gender: men/women--> impact opportunities-race--> experiences
Personal privatemicro level
On a larger, societal scalemacro level
5 basic sociological concepts
1. social action- meaningful action that is influenced by people's understandings of the situations that confront them and the expectations of the consequences of their actions2. social structure-patternings of relationships that shape how people act, access to resources, power-gender: men/women--> impact opportunities-race--> experiences3. functional integration- the interdependence of the parts of a social system in a society4. power- being in a position where you can benefit from others5. culture- shared norms/values/beliefs in a society to interpret/understand reality-two products: material and nonmaterial
Common sense
Knowledge one obtains through personal experience over the years
Social institution
A group of social positions that are linked by social relations that perform a social role
Instilling the norms, values, expectations, and beliefs of a culture into a person
Social identity
The way in which a person defines themselves through the groups they associate with or dissociate from
Accepted rules/behaviors
Moral beliefs that are deeply rooted in a society
Micro-level organization
Small scale; looking very closely at interactions
Macro-level organization
Large scale; looking at interactions at the level of society itself
Middle-level organization
In between micro and macro
Social network
Set of relationships among a group of people linked together in various communications and dealings