Unit 1: Understanding Earth- Dynamic & Evolving Planet

Study Guide 1

65 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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During what time period were the first humans, including American Neil Armstrong, exploring the surface of the moon?
What was unique about having astronaut Harrison "Jack" Schmidt going to the moon?
He was the last man to walk on the moon.
What is the significance of having manned lunar rovers on the moon?
Why did the US stop manned flight to the moon?
Lack of interest by the American public.
What percentage of the current US Budget is spent by NASA (national Aeronautics & Space Administration)?
0.6% of the total US budget
Name the planets of our sloar system, in order from the sun.
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Which of the inner planets and moon have NOT been photographed by space probes?
Pluto and its moon Charon.
Of all the planets, which is the only one without a gaseous atmosphere?
Compare the relative sizes of the planets Venus and Mars to that of Earth.
Venus = 0.8 of Earth's mass Mars = 1/10 of Earths's mass
What are the names of the 3 most recent "landers" exploring on the surface of Mars since 2004?
Spirit, Opportunity, and The Phoenix Mars Lander
Compare the mass of Jupiter to all of our other solar system planets and moons.
It has more mass than all other solar system planets combined.
Which planets is famous for its beautiful
What is unique about the rotation of Uranus?
The planet lies on its side.
Neptune was discovered in 1846. Has Neptune made a complete orbit since its discovery?
Since the new definitions of June 2008, compare "Plutoids" to "dwarf planets".