The Crow and the Water Jar

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Question 1
A bird with a loud and harsh(粗的) voice(聲音)
Crow (n.) 烏鴉A smart crow can drink water in a bottle.
Question 2
What is there water in?
Jar (n.) 瓶, 罐A heavy and strong jar was not easy to break for a crow.
Question 3
Is the neck of the jar wide enough for the crow to drink water in it?
Narrow (adj.) 狹窄的The big jar has a narrow opening. The crow can't drink water in it.
Question 4
What does the crow pick up and put into the jar?
Stone (n.) The crow picks up many stones and put them into the jar.
Question 5
The lesson the story The Crow and the Water Jar teaches us
Moral (n.) (寓言)的寓意,教訓The moral is: if you can't say, sing.