Unit 3 United States History Vocab.

These are the vocabulary words used for Unit 3

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Alliance system
A group of nations and or people that worked together to achieve a goal
To incorporate into an existing political unit such as a country, city, or state
A cease-fire or truce
Process by which people of one culture merge into and become part of another culture
Natural decline in the number of people working in an organization
Bonanza farm
Farm controlled by large companies, managed by professionals and raising massive quantities of single crash crops.
Official ideaolgy of the soviet union, complete government ownership of land and property, lack of individual rights
Act of spying, use of spies by the government or a company
African americans who migrated to the west after the civil war.
Great migration
African americans who moved to the north from the south
Stronger nation to attempt to create an empire by dominating weaker nations
A feeling of strong national pride and desire for an aggressive foreign policy
Aggressively building up a nations armed forces in preperation for war. Military more authority over government and foreign policy.
Readying troops for war
Monroe doctrine
Declaration by President Monroe that US opposed efforts by any outside power to control a nation in the west hemisphere